brand new and high quality
The Magnitiikka sand hourglass is fun desktop diversion. flip it over and watch tH grains of iron over watch tHt grains of iron over watch stack up in seemingly impicsible formations tHanks
to magnet embedded in the iron base. The craggy configurations Of tHon filings eventual build base iron filings eventual build f theninto an ordered hemisphere with a spiky
surface. you can enjoy
watching The magnet sand hourglass over and overagain.agoodgiftforyourfamiliesorfriends
nimi: Amy LIu
Työnimike: Sales Manager
osasto: sales department
Yrityspuhelin: +86 0752-5898358-803
Sähköposti: Ota meihin yhteyttä
Kännykkä: +86 15811904587
Verkkosivusto: skyringe.finvipb2b.com
Osoite: Luangang Dahu Industrial Park, Shiwan Town, Boluo County, Huizhou,City, G.D. Pro., China